CEO/Volunteer Leader Workshop Education

Monday, May 2
Education Sessions (1:00 - 3:30 pm)
Networking Evolution: Building Stronger Relationships and Connections

Our associations may produce the highest quality programs, products and services, but what makes us different from any retail store is the community of colleagues any member can find.  What we call networking is the cement that holds together the bricks of our non-dues revenue lines of value.  Yet, for all associations tout as being the ‘professional home’ for their industry, this most often means putting volunteers and members alike in a room with wine and cheese with the instruction to ‘meet each other.’  

Associations can do better.

Together we will explore how to deepen Board Member connections.  How to create micro-brain trusts for volunteers, members, and industry stakeholders.  How to create personal conversation starters for 5 or 5,000.  We will learn about these approaches, we will try them, and we will analyze/evaluate them.  

We all want to see a deeper loyalty to our organizations from our volunteers and our members - that starts with setting in place a dynamic of belonging and connection.  This session will give you those first steps, providing you with new perspectives on how to create a networking evolution.

Board of Directors Excellence 

As Board members are elected to and rotate off their term of service, we rarely take the opportunity to step back and reflect on the Board as a whole. This session will provide an assessment framework to help you evaluate the current health of the Board, better recognize strengths, and identify opportunities for refinement and greater impact. Additionally, we will take time to explore the Board’s roles and responsibilities (versus staff) such as:
•    Visionaries, decision makers, and master listeners 
•    Legal, fiscal and strategic focused 
•    Voice & face of the organization’s goals, direction, and efforts
•    Organizational champions & evangelists
•    Prioritize goals that stay true to the mission

Education Sessions (3:45 - 5:45 pm)
Adaptive Strategy Approach

Now more than ever, associations need to be flexible and build strategic plans that can easily evolve with your organization. As leaders look at goals and priorities 3-5 years ahead, they need to do so with the understanding and flexibility that the environment changes rapidly and they need a process to check-in regularly and adapt/reprioritize as necessary. 

Strategy Outside the Plan

In a world where the biggest constant is change and disruption, organizations today need an approach to strategy that will:

•    Create space for leaders to co-create organizational vision before they start crafting a strategic plan
•    Build systems to identify environmental opportunities, challenges, and trends throughout the year rather than in an annual survey
•    Have a laser focus in serving core audiences, knowing their needs and creating best-fit aligned solutions
•    Identify which organizational investments are driving the organization and which are dragging in the pursuit of progress
•    Encourage innovation in value, programming, and experience by allocating resources to piloting new concepts each year 

This session presents a new approach to each of these five elements, creating learning experiences with practical applications that will incorporate strategy as part of an organization’s daily routine.

NEW - CEO/Volunteer Leader Networking Dinner (6:30 - 8:00 pm)

After spending the day discussing how to move forward in your organizations join us for a delicious hosted dinner for you and your volunteer leader. Spend time talking in-depth on items discussed throughout the day or just enjoy the opportunity to connect with each other and association leaders from across the state. 

Tuesday, May 3
Education Session (8:30 - 10:00 am)
Listening with Intent

Each of us has the ability to take our inherent senses and raise them to an advanced level – this session will explore how to elevate your ability to listen and connect with others.  By reviewing (and experimenting with) how we inherently listen in an ever-increasingly noisy world, you will walk away with places to focus and approaches to apply.  Learning where your own listening strengths shine, and where you can build new skills will improve the conversations and relationships you have at work every day.

Education Sessions (10:15 am - 12:00 pm)
Governance of the Future

Over the past few years, organizational governance has been reinvented with boards and organizations having to be more nimble than ever before making decisions based on data that changes daily. How will this new methodology effect governance going forward? What does that look like for our organizations? What lessons can we learn from operating during the past few years that can continue to help us in the future?

Reflections & Priorities 

Reflect on the past day and a half of education to decide what your association priorities should be. Work together to figure out your road map going forward over the next few days, weeks, and even throughout the year. 

*Education Schedule subject to change without notice. 

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