Now Accepting 2017 Board Nominations
December 12, 2016
Are you or is someone you know ready to step into a leadership role and help plan and evaluate TSAE's strategic direction? Consider running for the TSAE Board of Directors!
TSAE has four (4) Association Executive positions and one (1) Affiliate position coming open in 2017.
To nominate someone (yes, you may nominate yourself), simply complete the form online. Nominations must be submitted no later than January 27, 2017.
Selection Criteria
Submit a Board Nomination
2017 Selection Timeline/Process:
- December 12: Nominating opens
- January 27: Deadline for nominations
- January 30: Candidates contacted to provide more information
- February 13: Deadline for candidates to submit information
- February 27: Deadline for nomination committee to review and rank finalists
- February 28: Finalists contacted for interviews
- Early March (TBD): Nominating committee interviews finalists
- March 22: Board slate presented to Board of Directors
- June 8 & 8: Board Orientation, Retreat and Installation of new members
About the Board of Directors
The TSAE Board is comprised of 19 members and meets quarterly. The Board consists of the Chairman, Chair Elect, Past Chairman, as well as 11 elected members from the Association Executive member categories, four (4) elected members from the Affiliate member category, and the Executive Director of TSAE. See the current Board of Directors.
Questions? Contact Steven Stout at 512-444-1974.