Associate Membership

Associate Application

Membership dues are $99 annually.

Please Note:

Associate membership is available for individuals who are retired, in-transition, elected board volunteers, students, and others interested in the association management profession.

Associate Membership Gives You Access

Stay involved in the TSAE community even when you are not working directly for an association or industry partner. 


Whatever the reason you are not currently employed by an association, whether you have retired from the industry, are in transition to your next career step, or just want to learn more about associations in Texas, continue to be a part of the TSAE Community. Attend events, volunteer for committees, get access to resources and enjoy the full benefits of the TSAE membership! 

TSAE Online Member Community | Membership Directory

Education & Development

Stay in the know and keep growing professionally. Find your learning style with offerings that include multi-day conferences, smaller scaled events, webinars, study groups and more.

TSAE is a CAE Registered Provider. The program(s) we provide fulfill the professional development requirements to earn or maintain the Certified Association Executive credential.


New Ideas Annual Conference | Women's Summit | Learn@Lunch | CEO Strategies

Webinars | CAE Study Course

Networking Events

In a time where much of our communication happens online, networking events provide an invaluable opportunity for face-to-face interaction. In-person connections can be more memorable and meaningful, helping you stay connected.

Building relationships with other industry professionals leads to new oppotunities - in career growth, information sharing, partnerships, etc.

TSAE Socials | TSAE Open | Celebration Luncheon

Resources & Publications

TSAE's resources and publications provide access to a wealth of information, news, and insights relevant to the association industry. Whether it's articles, research papers, newsletters, or podcasts, these platforms offer a convenient way to get the latest trends, developments, and best practices.

Association Leadership Magazine | Better By Association Podcast

Association Insights Monthly eNewsletter | Online Buyer's Guide

Association Briefings Weekly Email | Online Resources Portal

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