Better Together Mentor Program


How long will the mentoring program run? The program will run for 7 months from September
Who can participate in the
Applicants must be members of TSAE and meet the program eligibility criteria.
Is there a fee to participate? Yes, for Mentee non-CEO the fee is $175, Mentee CEOs
$250. Mentors are volunteers and pay no fees.
How many people can participate in the program? For this pilot program, a maximum of 20 mentees matched with 20 mentors. Please complete your application as soon as possible if you wish to take part.
How do I apply?

Complete the online application by the due date:

The information you provide will help us ‘match’ the right
mentee with the right mentor, based on experience, skills
and what you both want to achieve from the program

When will I know if I’ve been matched, and if so, who I’ve been matched with? You should hear from us by the first week of September as to whether you have been matched and the next steps to take.
What if I am not matched?

We will endeavor to match all mentees who complete the
application given we have a suitable mentor. Some mentors may not be matched if their expertise/ experience is not suitable for any applicants. If we don’t have a suitable match for a mentor, we won’t pair you for the sake of putting you in
the program.

If a suitable match is not available, you may be able to apply
or transfer for future programs.

What will I have to do if my application is successful?

If your application is successful, you will need to watch 2
videos (Program Launch & Program Close) and attend 1
live Mentee or Mentor Progress Review Session webinar.
Please see the key dates table.

You will also be asked to complete the Art of Mentoring
online training. The training will take 60 – 90 minutes and
will help provide you with the knowledge and skills to have a
successful mentoring relationship.

It will be up to each pair to establish their own timetables for
their one-on-one meetings, which should take place at least
monthly throughout the program.

Will discussions between mentees and mentors be confidential? Absolutely! Great mentoring relationships are based first
and foremost on trust. Your participation in the program is
confidential and you will agree with your mentoring partner
on how you will handle confidentiality between you.
Will I be able to claim CAE credits in my role as a mentor or mentee? Both Mentees and Mentors are eligible to receive up to 5
CAE hours for participation in the program. Please note that
mentees who wish to receive these hours must be paired
with a current CAE mentor. For more information, please
see the attached form here: CAE Mentoring Form
Where can I access more
If you’re interested in finding out more about the program,
please visit the mentoring platform here:
Questions may be directed to the Program Manager using
the Contact Program Manager button on the mentoring


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