Update on President/CEO Search

April 19, 2016

April 19, 2016

As announced to the membership last month, TSAE is in the process of looking for a new Chief Executive Officer for the organization. The Board is committed to keeping members updated throughout the search process.

Read below for an update on the search committee, search firm, timing, interim CEO, and proposed title change. 

The TSAE Board of Directors passed a resolution at its last meeting in March establishing a policy on replacing TSAE’s Chief Executive Officer. This policy authorized the Chairman of the Board to form a Search Committee made up of the Chair, the Chair-elect, two past Chairmen, a member-at-large and an affiliate member.

Bill Keese, as Chairman of the Search Committee, appointed J.J. Colburn, Christopher Williston, IV, Pat Smith, Leslie Midgley, Pam Donahoo and Bob Jameson.

The search committee met on April 7 and, empowered by the Board, unanimously agreed to begin interviewing executive search firms to lead the board in this endeavor and established a goal of having a new CEO named by TSAE’s New Ideas Conference in September.

During this meeting, the committee reviewed a list of characteristics and traits to consider when interviewing any candidates. The committee will meet again the week of April 25.

As authorized by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee met and decided not to name an interim CEO. The decision was based on the trust and confidence the board has with the staff. The Chairman and Chair-elect will establish procedures during the interim period.

The Committee voted unanimously to recommend to the board of directors that the new President/CEO’s title be Executive Director. The board will vote on this proposal in a future meeting.

If you have any questions, you may contact TSAE Board Chairman Bill Keese at chairman@tsae.org.

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